Teaching Divine Love and Compassion throughout the World

From Bourbon Street to the Twelfth Dimension: Finding Divine Love by Rachel Otto
Rachel Otto releases ‘From Bourbon Street to the Twelfth Dimension’ New book provides readers with a captivating glimpse into author’s spiritual odyssey, while beckoning them to embrace the guidance of divine consciousness and love to experience profound joy in the...

Rachel Otto on Mystic Mag
Interview with Rachel Otto Check out this great article on line magazine Mystic Mag: www.mysticmag.com A big thank you to Katarina Todorovic It was a lovely interveiw. Thank you to Mystic Mag! Of course check out Rachel's new book From...

Seventh Chakra From Bourbon Street to the Twelfth Dimension Finding Divine Love
The following is an excerpt From Bourbon Street to the Twelfth Dimension Finding DIvine Love by Rachel Otto. Seventh Chakra, Violet Crown Chakra Color: Ultraviolet Physical location: Top of the head Areas of interest: Spiritual connection with the divine enlightenment...

From Bourbon St to 12th Dimension Finding Divine Love Fourth Chakra
I am so very very excited to announce my new book “From Bourbon Street to the Twelfth Dimension; Finding Divine Love”. It will be published by Balboa Press in 2023. I am sharing sections of the book to lead up...

Cosmic Chakras- Third Chakra
I am so very very excited to announce my new book “From Bourbon Street to the Twelfth Dimension; Finding Divine Love”. It will be published by Balboa Press in 2023. I am sharing sections of the book to lead up...

Things You Should Do to Experience a Healthier, More Vibrant Life Overall
It's easy to feel stressed in the times we are living in. Moreover, with technology at our fingertips, life seems to have become more fast-paced than ever. And while some of us have found ways to lead more balanced lifestyles...