I am so very very excited to announce my new book “From Bourbon Street to the Twelfth Dimension; Finding Divine Love”. It will be published by Balboa Press in 2023. I am sharing sections of the book to lead up to release of the book. Starting by going through the cosmic chakras as it helps you connect to Divine Love and Divine Consciousness.
I thought what a great place to start learning about Divine Love than starting with the Cosmic Chakras! Each week I will put out a section of the new book, the original color image of the cosmic chakra and a link to a guided meditation for you to experience this chakra. We will go through the Soul Seed, 1st Chakra, 2nd Chakra, 3rd Chakra, 4th Chakra, 5th Chakra, 6th Chakra, 7th Chakra, The High Heart and Emerald Chakra. There are more chakras that have been introduced into our Earth, but these are the 10 that I will focus on in the following posts.
Please leave me comments below on your experience with the Cosmic Chakras.
Soul Seed Chakra

Basic information for Earth Seed, Soul Seed Chakra
Color: Golden shell with all colors inside
Physical Location: Beneath feet
Areas of Interest: Connection to center of the earth, Flower of Life
Body: Balance, Golden Silver Thread of Life
Stones: Tourmaline, Onyx
The Earth Seeds marks you are from Earth. Just in case you ever find yourself in a position in the cosmos and you have to prove you are from Earth, it an energy that is not just found at the bottom of your feet but also in your DNA. It is called the Eve gene; it is the one common gene we all share- our Soul Seed that marks us MADE ON EARTH.
This is your personal link directly to Mother Earth. It is the golden slide or golden poll that is scene in meditation. Like the crown chakra, it is not often read. This chakra typically is not blocked, just covered in fear. We cannot in any way whatsoever be disconnected from this energy or any of the chakras. This one however cannot be blocked, even by our own doing.
In meditation you will see your rose golden silver thread coming out of the soul seed through your body. The Earth Seeds anchor you to earth no matter where you travel to both physically and in astral realms.
The color of this is surrounded in golden light and it is every color of the chakras. This is directly connected to your spine physically and spiritualty it is in alignment of the kundalini energy from the crown of your head. Yoga was our first introduction in the Western world to the chakras and still one of the greatest systems to learn and feel them.
The guided meditation is with Vanessa DeLuna:
#chakra #cosmic #cosmicchakra #soulseed #meditation #peace #healing #meditation
How very exciting congratulations on the book I look forward reading.
Thank you for keeping me in mind.
Divine Love to you Mary!