I am so very very excited to announce my new book “From Bourbon Street to the Twelfth Dimension; Finding Divine Love”. It will be published by Balboa Press in 2023. I am sharing sections of the book to lead up to release of the book. Starting by going through the cosmic chakras as it helps you connect to Divine Love and Divine Consciousness.
Please leave me comments below on your experience with the Cosmic Chakras.
Second Chakra

Basic information for sacral
Color: Brilliant Orange
Physical Location: Two fingers below the naval
Areas of Interest: Creation, Creativity, Sexuality, Reproduction, Relationships
Body: Blood, all body fluids, sexual organs
Stones: Orange calcite, Carnelian, Vanadinite
The Second Chakra also called the sacral is bright orange area is the womb area for women and the prostate area for men. It is so important here for your physical wellbeing to have all the chakras balance, but I find here many dis-ease build up here from sexual trauma and shadow side guilt. Sexuality has been confused with Divine Love, and gender issues. Neither are part of Universal Law, so when people want to fight with me about the new movement to binary or gender free, well I get it. Angels do not have gender; it is just a way of stereotyping people instead of identifying. When we live judgment free, I believe this chakra is going to be so much healthier overall.
This area helps with your financial wellbeing as well. This is where creativity and abundance are grown. Even though I understand abundance is considered unnecessary outside of earth, it is a part of what we need here. Orange is the color of money, not green, it is what we create in our life, our relationships both in our attitude and physically around us.
The Cave of Creation is not just limited to the womb, it is where all creatively comes from. This chakra holds creation energy for everyone regardless of gender. Scientist, bakers, artists are all creators, not just a mother creating a child. We all have a sacred womb or cave in our energy to creator our future, our dreams, our own person way of living.
Do you create more trash than you do joy? Is your cave of creation ready to expand or is it blocked?
Meditation to help expand the 2nd Chakra
This is your space to connect to your greatest dreams – go into this orange cosmic space and feel into your future.
#selfcare #innerchild #dreams #future #meditation #now #live #create #you #secondchakra