Teaching Divine Love and Compassion throughout the World

Conscious Connections Sessions
Healing takes place on many levels; physical is the one we tend to focus on the most. Sometimes the greatest healing that can help every day life is done on another level. From Akashic record reading to Medicine Animals, Rachel...

Energy Healing with Rachel Otto
It is now Divine Love rules Universal Energy Healing Session Spiritual Coaching or a session with me, Rachel Otto is about working with universal healing energies. I have studied the three main branches of reiki, I am a 1st Dan...

Angel Healing Workshops Now ONLINE
In 2012 I was initiated into the Angelic Realms under my studies with Walter Lubeck. As my Earth Walk continues to grow, now I am able to teach this amazing workshop live via ZOOM just for you! You can learn...

Reflections of Love
Today I was pleasantly reminded of the reflective nature of reality and encouraged to share it. We can look to many ancient texts and disciplines and find this idea expressed, that the external reality one experiences is a REFLECTION of...

Living Love- Living As If You Make a Difference
Today contained another blessing and gentle reminder from the mirror. Today’s communications came from Mother Earth. I have been inside my cave like most with the cold and stormy weather that’s been prevalent in our country. The storms outside of...

Waking the Sleeping Giant
It's time to wake the sleeping giant. The Great Awakening The time is now to awaken your sleeping giant. Now is the time to confront all of your personal obstetrical. The Universe has given us space...

Fitting Fitness Into a Busy Life
Twenty-four hours is just enough time to get everything done, except that session at the gym, which might not pan out as planned. Again. If you’re canceling a scheduled workout in favor of other commitments, there’s a good chance you’re...

Consciousness Meditation Online Series
Travel to other worlds Consciousness Meditation Series Live Online Getting Consciousness with Rachel The Consciousness Meditation Series Live Online is a project that I have been working towards for a long time! I, Rachel Collier, am...

How to Send Healing Love
I have often been asked how to send energy healing to others. My normal response has been go take a class on energy healing. Recently I was shown a new, yet old way of sending healing love energy to others...