Meditations & Guides for All!
Meditation is such a mystical word, the idea conjures up a yogi sitting in the perfect lotus position in silence for hours, or maybe incense being burned while monks are chanting. What's awesome is that is not the only way to meditate.
There are so many form or types of meditation, and some you may not have considered meditation. From laughing meditation to astral traveling, to silent meditation or walking meditation each gives new experience or different experience. The only common thread that research has found that makes meditation is just finding an inner space, ideally with a straight back.
Through years of teaching and private sessions, Rachel has developed advanced healing technologies allow all participants, no matter where their location is, to feel their individual energy elevating and aid in changing one’s attitude through guided meditation. Simple meditations teach how to keep the voices at bay and live connected into the community and the planet. These recorded live guided meditations will create a foundation for your personal spiritual growth without having to leave the house.
No sales pitch, no membership, nothing else to buy- is just like going to the park or a daily yoga. Stretching your soul so that it doesn’t get bound up by fear. There is no religious affiliation with these healing lectures. It is your personal guides and what you believe in that deliver personal messages or insights to your spiritual self. What you will gain is a great night of sleep, a deeper connection to the earth, and yourself. What you might loose is fear, anger, self-hating, depression, and anxiety. All happens in it’s own personal way, as much as you want to participate and as much as you are open for.
The spiritual journey is so personal, that truly it can only be found within. We need to learn and expand in our own space, in our own time, with any meditation you experience what is for your highest good while love is sent to the whole.
Here is a physical healing meditation, this one takes 36 minutes, so give yourself plenty of time to enjoy the energy and relax! Drink plenty of water after listening- enjoy!
Meditation are personal, guided meditation lead by Rachel Otto always for all beliefs. As a collective we will experience new ways of healing, releasing, and living a balance life. This series of meditations will explore consciousness through mantras, prayers, silence and song that can be felt through the six senses.
One can listen to these meditations over and have a different experience each time! They are always for the highest good.
“When I had that true oneness and greater understanding moment it was not at a Stupa, it was not in Sedona, it was not with a leader, teacher, guru and it was not on a specific date. It happened I was at home on a random night. I am, just as you are.” - Rachel Otto
These guided meditations are offered to aid you. It will help you calm your mind, and learn how to step outside of the daily routine. Some will show you techniques on how to continue meditating on your own and different types of meditations. The theme of the meditation constantly changes with energy of the NOW (the moment). They are found for FREE at Sound Cloud at Way Chill Life or
YouTube, Instagram and IGTV
Way Chill Life presents Moments of Love and other Spirited lectures with guided meditations help one on their journey of life. Moments of Love and Divine Stretches are a free series on YouTube, Instagram TV or IGTV app. These talks are what Rachel is guided to talk about, how it feels even answers for current topics from the Universe flows in the conversation. After insight is given a guided meditation with the current topic in mind will offer a total experience without physically leaving one's space.
Moments of Love are short typically nature videos that show something special or peaceful about the day. They are filmed by Rachel all over the United States. Divine Stretch teaches you how to start your day balanced.
Spirituality is a personal journey. Our greatest answers come from within. Meditation is one of the simplest ways to look within. Through meditation healing occurs on both the physical and spiritual level for anyone no matter what experience or age. Mantras, prayer, singing, dancing are all forms of meditation, connecting to one's soul.
We have all kinds of help if we just ask for it. From Angels (Beings of Lights) Animals, Plants, Trees, Crystals, to other Humans and ascended masters, guides come in all forms. Connect to them in meditation.
Mother Earth Father Sky Meditation
Want to learn more about how the world works? Check out this video on the 5th Dimension.
More meditations can be found on YouTube and SoundCloud for easy listening. Check out Way Chill Life on Instagram as well!
Cindy Hamilton
Healing Heart Sanctuary is owned and operated by Cindy Hamilton. It has been Cindy dream to open a healing space in beautiful Forest Falls. To read more about Cindy visit : Cindy
Cindy is certified in Reiki 1 and 2, a Law of Attraction Life Coach and does Akashic Readings. Cindy’s offering during your healing session vary based on clients needs. Also, she use sage to clear any negative energy that may be attached to you. With all session a meditation is done with her singing bowl to open any Chakras that may be closed off for complete Energy healing .
Furthermore, Cindy explains becoming a Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach has not only changed her life tremendously but those whom she have worked with also.
“What our thoughts are is what we attract to us.
the universe says as you wish.
So what do you want the Universe to gift you with?”
Cindy Hamilton
Cindy specialty is Akashic Soul Realignment Readings. Meaning in this reading, if you have any negative entities that are attached to you from past lives, they will be cleared – like giving you a fresh start. Any contracts, spells, curses, bindings, or other forms of control will be cleared or released. A few examples of what is being released or cleared from your soul are anxiety, fear, guilt, self doubt, self loathing. Also while you talk she can answer any questions you may have in your Akashic record.
To directly reach Cindy, email her at [email protected]

"I first experienced Reiki long distance, from Way Chill's Rachel Otto I actually felt the energy via Skype from Louisiana to California. It was one of the best experiences I've had in recent times. It's my belief that it ushered in a whole new flow of highly positive energy into my life."
Kim M.