Twenty-four hours is just enough time to get everything done, except that session at the gym, which might not pan out as planned. Again.
If you’re canceling a scheduled workout in favor of other commitments, there’s a good chance you’re not balancing your fitness routine with your overall lifestyle. There’s no reason to treat exercise as a separate activity when it should be integrated into the rest of your daily routine.
The right approach not only provides enough time to break a sweat but spend quality time with family. It can even help you perform better at work.
Here’s some helpful hints on bringing all the elements of well-being together.
Keep It Fun
Working out is a lot easier to fit into your schedule when it’s not a chore but something to look forward to. If the thought of sweating it out on a 10-kilometer run or cranking out sets of squats at the gym has you in the doldrums, trying adding ultimate Frisbee or beach volleyball into the mix. Hiking, skiing, surfing. There’s a huge variety of exciting options. Don’t worry. No matter where you live, there’s something you can do.
Bring Your Four-Legged Friend
You have to walk your dog or take him out to play anyway. The truth is that your pup may just prefer a jog around the park to sitting at home while you burn away those extra calories and tighten up those quads. Your canine companion can also come along with you on a hike through the woods or a sunny day at the beach, where he can play fetch and splash around in the waves. Don’t forget, your dog needs to stay in shape, too.
Take Up Healthy Cooking
Make the best of your time in the kitchen. Cooking is a fantastic activity to fit in with your healthy lifestyle as it gives your brain a workout when researching recipes low on fat and sugar to keep that figure you’ve worked so hard to attain. There’s even some exercises you can do in between meal prep when chopping up those fresh vegetables. Don’t forget to pair your meal with the right wine, which research shows can improve cardiovascular health (make sure to drink in moderation).
Get Loved Ones Involved
Many people look at their family obligations as an obstacle to fitting their workout into their daily lives. Let’s take that notion and flip it on its head. Exercising with your kids encourages them to grow up healthy. Moreover, fitness can do wonders for your romantic relationship. Research shows that couples that sweat together, stay together. And as for those old high school buddies you never see? A weekly game of volleyball or softball might be just the thing to get the gang back together for a bit of fun.
Optimize Your Lunch Break
While running a marathon in the middle of the office day is probably off limits, a quick jog in the park might be feasible. Working out during workdays has gained popularity in recent years, as more and more people struggle to fit fitness into their professional lives. What you do depends on the length of your lunch break and your company’s policy on changing into sports attire while you’re on the job. However, some visionary businesses are making exercise a part of the daily routine, saying it increases productivity.
If you’re ready to move forward to a more healthy and balanced lifestyle, take a close look at your daily schedule to see what activities you can fit in, then invite someone you love to come along with you. Don’t forget your pup. Your canine companion has been cooped up inside all day long, and he’s dying for a little exercise.
Post provided by
Sheila Olson
Photo via Pixabay