The time is now to awaken your sleeping giant. Now is the time to confront all of your personal obstetrical. The Universe has given us space to love and be conscious light. Life is to be joyful and easy, we are now coming out of pain and suffering from years of greed. The Great Awakening is happening now, the giant has been found.

Once we recognize what it is we are dealing with it all begins with you. Love who and what you are. You are the most perfect you ever made! God thinks you are perfect, and that’s the highest authority ever. Love and respect your body, it is the only one in this life time.
Awake Sleeping Giant! It’s time to change our ways! The power of all Creation lies within YOU, feel how loved you are!

All the the Conscious Light to flow out of you- no judgement on yourself or others. Find a peace within the self and allow the knowledge of the universe flow to you. What ever information is opened up to you with Conscious Light.

It was the darkest night of 2020 when the giant asked do you forgive me? Yes we must forgive ourselves, forgive situations and forgive others. We must mourn our loss in our own individual way, with working with love allows forgiveness to flow.

The Giant rolled over and asked what would you have me do? Offerings of love and gratitude make change and transition easy. Love brings unlimited possibilities and allows more greatness to happen. Love is energy use it to fuel you to change.

As the Giant will crumble, love rules ones being, finding balance from within. Through nutrition as well as emotional, and spiritual balance creates joy! That is the meaning of life and the Age of Aquarius opens all gateways to all knowledge of the universe so that you may have your happiest being ever. Life is to be easy and fun. Life is for all to have without pain without suffering. Let’s create this world!